Ordering Like A Girl

Not having had an actual date in more than 35 years, I would not qualify as an expert, but a column the other day on CNN made some sense, and I discovered something of the truth today. The article was something of a primer for guys on what NOT to do on a date if they want to impress the object of their attentions for the evening (it IS guys we're talking about!).
Some of them were common sense things like not chewing with their mouths open and using utensils while eating. I mean, that's just common sense unless one is eating at Taco Bell where utensils are limited to sporks. There was one, however, that caught my attention, mainly because I'd never considered it: don't order like a girl. I guess I hadn't thought about it, but when I read the description, it made some sense.
"Ordering like a girl" consists of saying things like "hold the pesto" and "could I substitute Atlantic salmon for the Tilapia?" or "please put the tomatoes and dressing on the side." My first visual image was Meg Ryan ordering just prior to having the fake orgasm in "When Harry Met Sally." Cute, but hardly enough to make it a hard and fast rule: women are hard-wired to make things as difficult as possible...no, wait; women are hard-wired to know what they want and are strong enough to demand their rights...yeah, that's it.(wriggling nicely off the hook there)
Anyway, my sweetie and I stopped at Taco Bell today for a nosh (no pesto there!), and the young lady behind the counter was obviously new (she had a panicked "oh crap, CUSTOMERS" look on her face).
As I was perusing the 89-cent menu, Sweetie started her order, and I realized there would be trouble. An enchirito usually has meat, but, of course, we wanted it sans beef; oh yes, with sour cream on the side and extra jalapenos. Apparently, there's a new taco so wee had to find out what was on it (Audrey didn't know) before deciding not to get one. "No, not a small drink, a senior drink" (still small, but free).
I could not help but break into laughter as I recalled the "don't order like a girl" proscription. It was just perfect, and I continued to smirk for five minutes. Not so amused was the guy waiting in line behind us. Tiring of the rigamarole, he abruptly turned and left before famine took him. Surely it would have been fine with an experienced counter person, but it was the ordering part that I cracked up over.
My order? Cheese and bean burrito with a "new" taco and a senior drink. Simple, direct and uncomplicated. I felt as if I should have been applauded by the newly-assembled line waiting to scream, "I'm FULL!"