The Case of the Receding Ice

Santa is in deep trouble this year, and he has been for nigh on to 40 years and didn't know it. For that matter, neither did the Danish Government of the American people, but thanks to the diligence of the BBC, we can all have most of the story (with apologies to Paul Harvey).
I always thought it was cool the way the NORAD radar always tracked Santa on his journey to my house every year. Maybe it still does, but I've laready had too much eggnog by the time the news comes on to really care about it. There are definitely no cookies left for the jolly fat man at our house because we're trying to help him slim down just a bit. Anyway, there's NORAD and the Thule Air Force base to discuss.
It seems that during the Cold War, we figured the Ruskies would attack Thule first so the airmen there couldn't warn us that we were about to be destroyed by incoming missles...probably a logical we began flying round-the-clock missions of bombers armed with nuclear weapons JUST IN CASE. If the pilots were to observe Greenland going up in mushroom-type flames, Slim Pickens would lead the bomber group immedately across the street from Sarah Palin's house and blow them up ("Chrome Dome missions" they were called).
Now, Greenland was a self-governing province of Denmark so anything out of the ordinary would have to be run past the Danish would think. However...
One mission in 1968 ended in a crash landing of one of the heavy bombers which was carrying four nuclear bombs which, according to the pilots, were unarmed. They were, however, surrounded by high explosives which, I guess, were designed to trigger the charge on a bomb which was armed. In any case, the high explosives went off upon landing, and wreckage was strewn about in a most untidy manner. More than 500 million gallons of ice were collected from the rubble, some of it no doubt highly radioactive. By the time everything was collected, what did we have...the reason the ice cap in Greenland began melting? No: we had remains of three nuclear bombs; yes, that's right, THREE. One was never found. Not only did we not find it, but communications recently acquired by the BBC under a truth in records disclosure thing indicated that not even the Danish government was told about it!
Submarines were sent to search an area where it looked like something melted through the ice, but nothing was ever found. The search for the lost nuclear weapon was subsequently abandoned using the reaosning that if we couldn't find it, nobody else could, either. Sound logic, you must admit!
That it took 40 years for this information to be brought to light by the plucky Brits makes me wonder what else exists that we were not told about...too scary to consider.
Maybe that IS why Greenland's ice shelf is melting at an alarming rate. After all, we've been told during the last political campaign that global warming is not a result of burning fossil about decaying uranium?(which takes 500 years to decay to a mostly harmless state). Holy plutonium! I can see Major "King" Kong now.
Recession? Who cares? It won't matter.
BTW...for those of you who may doubt my veracity, here's the link to the BBC article:
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