"Whatever" Wins Again!
Yes, it IS difficult to believe that researchers spend time, energy, and money to discover such inanities, but they do, and the folks at Marist College are at it again.
It seems that pollsters there ask folks to name the most annoying word/phrase they hear regularly, and for the fifth year in a row (who knew?), the word "whatever" has topped their annual "Most Annoying" list. Seriously, these researchers phoned 1,173 random people (NOT on the "do not call" list probably) in the continental United States between December 3 and December 5 to get their opinion. That's an average of 400 or so calls a day when students should have probably been preparing for finals...but I digress.
Thirty-eight percent of respondents chose the aforementioned "whatever" as the most annoying, while "like" (my favorite) finished a distant second with 22% of the negative ballots cast; "you know" finished a relatively distant third with a mere 18%, and it was followed by insignificant totals for "just sayin'" and "obviously."
Really? I am sort of, like, you know, disappointed in the results.
I would have thought "Miley Cyrus" was the most annoying phrase of the year.
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