Now I've Seen It All: the G's Rejoice

I remember the Russians sending Sputnik into space and how freaked out our entire country became...fearing that we would soon be destroyed from the outer limits.
I remember electing JFK as president and how amazed everyone was that the Pope didn't immediately take over our country as had been rumored to happen in the wake of a Catholic president being elected.And I remember when he died.
I was conscious for Neil Armstrong landing on the moon and feeling an incredible sense of awe as that happened. Was there nothing our country couldn't do? We had to be the greatest nation on earth.
Since those halcyon days...Viet Nam, Watergate, Iran Contra, disgraced presidency, wars begun with lies, and on and on. ...and though the Berlin Wall fell...Our policies have been decried universally,and our status as the greatest nation on earth has been eroded to a potential joke status.
Now...America has proven to be much more than most people gave us credit for. Not all of us swill beer by the six-pack; not all of us fail to grasp the difference between $40,000 and $250,000 dollars in taxable income; not all of us think any election is about only one issue; and not all of us think of our country as white, middle-class and not all that smart that we can be fooled by innuendo and outright lies. This is a country unafraid to use the letter "g" at the end of words like "going," "voting," and a host of others. We CAN think, we CAN speak correctly, and we CAN do simple math. We also CAN disagree without being nasty, and we CAN have hope that our country will regain its status in the world...not as the biggest and the best, but as a country wiling to share what we have and grant others their beliefs without insisting they believe as we do.
SO...I plan to use as many words ending in the letter "g" as I can tomorrow, and I cannot fully express my pride in all of our children who took the time to be part of the process and vote...
God Bless America!
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