Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


If "humbleness" isn't a real word, I'm calling it one anyway. Tonight, I spent my first evening with a roomful of homeless men and women at a shelter.I wasn't sure what to expect...I thought it might be awkward since part of our shift involved actually sitting down and eating a meal together. Not wanting to appear judgmental or ignorant of their plight, I was hesitant at first. Having fulfilled the first part of my mission by handing out 18-gallon totes to people (containing ALL of the worldly possessions!), I had half an hour to engage. Idle chatting eased the way, and it was actually a lot of entertainment. We conjectured about Chewbacca's wife's name (he actually had one, according to the internet), learned a bit about playing cribbage, and managed to be able to call three people by name by the end of the evening. All well and good...but the thankfulness they showed me for the simple act of handing them their tote, and the way they were willing to share their stories were almost too much. I left with a sense of gratitude that I don't think I ever really considered. Oh, I know I've had a relatively positive experience here on earth, but I have a new appreciation for the human spirit and a more accepting attitude toward everyone.


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