Roll Me Out of the Ballgame
If you are a dedicated reader of my blog (as I am), you'll recall that some time back I regaled you with a tale of immense gastrointestinal importance...that being the all-you-can-eat section of the right field bleachers in Dodger Stadium. I'm here to update that report and give hope to all sports gourmands and even, possibly, to those of us in Wisconsin.
A quick recap for those new to the space: the LA Dodgers decided to offer seats in the right field bleachers this summer to those willing to fork over $40 per game to eat all they could during the course(s) of Dodger games. Since the left field bleachers cost about ten bucks, I was a bit dubious about prospects for success. Hence, the need for an update. Before you plan the road trip, remember that beer, ice cream and candy are exempt in this section. You'll pay regular price for these items from vendors. You could also become a member of the Dugout Club: they get seats behind home plate and a REAL buffet which probably includes $400 a seat per game! Otherwise, Dodger Dogs, popcorn, peanuts, nachos, soda and water are there in abundance from 90 minutes prior to the game until the 7th inning regurgitate, I mean stretch in the right field bleacher section. Patrons are limited to four items at a time so that everyone gets a chance to pig out. How successful has it been?
There are no reports of sellouts in that section, but the Dodgers have been averaging between two and three thousand fannies for those seats every home game! So now, an average family of four can see a game for $160, excluding parking. I'd never take my wife...after a couple of trays of nachos, she'd be done: hardly worth it. Don't get the impression that it's all about excess, according to Marty Greenspun, executive director and CEO of the Dodgers.
"It's not about gluttony. This is really about offering a new fan amenity. It's all up to individual choice."
I suppose with dogs going at $4.75 with a soda costing the same, it might be an OK deal. So how does this benefit Wisconsinites? One of the teams, in addition to the Philadelphia 76'ers, that has inquired about the promotion: the Milwaukee Brewers. I knew there was a reason I needed to get to Miller Park.
Now, if only they'd start selling Krispy Kremes. :)