"Hey, m**&%#!*&!!, Can't You Drive?"
This is bad news for those living in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area: you're driving habits have deteriorated. You are in a free-fall in the road rage category, and Greg Jennings now lives in Green Bay! Dire warnings ahead.
AutoVantage, an auto membership club akin to AAA and based in Connecticut, has just published its yearly report on cities in which drivers have been surveyed with an eye on road rage. Our friends to da west, hey, dropped from holding the title of the "Friendliest, safest" drivers to #14 on the list in one year...not good.
The most-often identified trait of road rage involved an impatient motorist...no kidding? I thought it would be soccer moms trying to get the best parking space across the street from my house on soccer night.
Anyway, the cities in which one is most likely to experience this boorish behavior are, in order, Miami (2nd consecutive "title"), New York, Boston, Los Angeles (where everyone needs a guardian angeles or two), and Washington. Chicago placed #7 on the list, and others were mentioned as well, but I don't drive in any of them so I don't care.
If one wants to be treated courteously on the roadways, he or she should spend time driving through the following cities: Portland, Pittsburgh, Seattle-Tacoma, St. Louis (where respondents indicated that they were least likely to swear)and Dallas-Fort Worth. As I said, Minneapolis has fallen precipitously this year but hopes to rebound for the next survey.
Nothing was mentioned in the survey about mumbling to onesself concerning poor driving habits or talking to other drivers as if they can hear (though my wife assures me that they cannot).
This is all so unnecessary...if everyone would stay off the road when I'm using it, there would be no problems at all.
Drive on!
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