The Problem With Being An Icon
For more than 25 years, the Vermont-based Ben & Jerry's ice cream has been a favorite among people of all ages and sizes. Yes, the ice cream was good: natural, wholesome, tasty. The packaging featuring clouds and skies got everybody feeling all summery even in the winter. In addition, marketers were quite clever in naming some of the flavors: "Cherry Garcia" was among the more creative, but "Boston Creme Pie" also elicited a certain desire from the taste buds. Who would have thought such a wholesome idea could be "corrupted"?
The adult film industry, that's who.
In a recently-settled lawsuit that favored the ice cream maker, Caballero Video Productions in California (or "Calipornia," if you prefer) was enjoined against copying Ben and Jerry's logo containing cows and clouds as well as "enhancing" 10 of the iconic flavor names. As a result, adult films, packaged with visuals of clouds and, uh, actresses will no longer grace the shelves in the back rooms of video stores. Also missing as a result of the suit, are movie titles like "Boston Creme Thigh," "Ben and Cherry," Peanut Butter D Cup," "New York Fat and Chunky," and ""Chocolate Fudge Babes."
While America may be aghast at such tawdry marketing, we must remember that Ben and Jerry's was not above some salacious titles as well: remember "Karamel Sutra" and "Schweddy Balls"? This kind of double entendre is probably what got the folks at Caballero Video thinking.
It just goes to show that being too famous can be a bad thing!