On the Boring Side of Normal

Every now and then when I begin to rue to somewhat sameness of life here in mid-America, I find just enough reason to welcome the same-old, same-old. My experience at the park in Chicago over the weekend was one such reason, and now I find even more. It seems that just as I get some kind of wanderlust thing percolating in my brain, reality comes 'round to say, "Dude, seriously, rethink this!" To wit:
It has recently been announced that in the past two years more than $12,000 in funds from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families has been withdrawn from ATM machines conveniently located in...strip clubs in Los Angeles! I guess it makes sense in a way: lap dancers don't usually take plastic (I'm told). Apparently, Californians in need of welfare assistance are given debit cards with which they can extract actual money for food, clothing, and medical expenses for themselves and their children. Only certain ATM machines will process requests from these cards...like over half the casinos and poker rooms in California in addition to the aforementioned naughty places.
And speaking of naughty places, actors and actresses in the adult film industry in California are protesting the latest ruling which requires the use of condoms in every movie. Their opinion is that monthly STD screenings are sufficient, and if one is squeamish about the lack of protection, he or she is too much of a sally to be in the industry anyway. So there. But stories from the LA Times are not alone in protecting me from wanderlust.
Apparently, the president of Nigeria has suspended the country's entire soccer team because they did not win a game in the latest World Cup competition, the "highlight" being a tie with the Korean team. Seriously, that's all the president of that country has to worry about? I've never been there to argue that point, but I would guess there are more pressing issues. And, of course, FIFA claims that such political action might well disqualify the team from the next international competition in which teams vie to be crowned the best African team. Hoo boy! As if terrible refereeing was not enough!
And finally, the Krispy Kreme company is rolling out (just in time for those holiday gatherings) a soda-flavored doughnut! Unless you live in the Carolinas, though, you are out of luck. The doughnut is infused with a popular soda beverage in that area named "Cheerwine" (see photo) and will be available during the month of July at 1,000 grocery and store outlets in North and South Carolina. This announcement comes amid the news reports that North Carolina has leaped (or staggered, as the case might be) up from 12th to 10th place as the most obese state in the United States.
Truth be told, I couldn't resist trying one. After all, I also rushed out to try KFC's Double Down a while back.
That's another reason I must stay home this holiday season.
Here in somewhat uneventful mid-America.
Where our Krispy Kreme was replaced with a Panera Bread.