Gathering No Moss

If you've ever seen the movie "High Fidelity," you can appreciate how judgmental music aficionados are about what they consider to be the best "all-time," whether it be songs, artists, name it. By the way, it's a great movie even if you are not concerned with such things. I think it was John Cusack's best" tortured individual" character which he always seems to play. His sister Joan was good in a cameo as well, and I think it was the first time I ever saw Jack Black in a movie...presaging his role in "School of Rock."
Anyway, Rolling Stone magazine has always touted itself as the bible of rock and roll, and as such, often presents lists for discussion. Yet another one has surfaced. This time, it features the All-Time best top 40 songs. Looking at the list gives me pause.
For one thing, there are only four songs later than 1970 or so (by The Clash, Bruce Springsteen, U2, and Nirvana). Elvis made the list only once...surely an oversight, and Led Zeppelin did likewise.
It wis a list dominated by Motown, soul and a couple of British Invasion bands with only the Beach Boys getting any significant props among American bands. You can see the entire list by visiting the LA Times website (or, supposedly,, but here are the top five:
#5. Respect by Aretha Franklin
#4. What's Going On? by Marvin Gaye
#3. Imagine by John Lennon
#2. Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones
#1. Like A Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan
Needless to say, my top five would be somewhat different, as might yours be.
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