"The Die is Cast"

I've got to admit that this is hardly on a par with Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon River despite orders from the Senate that forbade any general from taking an army into Rome itself. When he decided that he was going to defy the Senate ( I mean, he HAD the army...what were they going to do?), the line in the sand was the river. When he crossed that with his legions, he was placing himself into a position from which there was no turning back. Thus, his famous quote indicating that he was taking a gamble which he hoped would pay off handsomely...and it did...for a while. There was that darned Ides of March ("I'm Your Vehicle, Baby") thing during which he got a major beatdown from his erstwhile homies.
It is at that point which I currently find myself. As of 3:30 today, I am
officially on the no-turning-back road to retirement. I could have changed
my mind up until that fateful hour (well, half-hour really), but I did not. I am inexorably placed in a position which will either provide new and exciting vistas to search or long days of listless boredom, looking for continued meaning in a life in which the augurers continually tell me not to go to the Senate on that day. Truth be told, I suspect it will fall somewhere in between. After all, the Green Bay Packers called me today and almost begged me to return to my tour guide job for the summer...well, there was a message on my machine just checking if I intended to return to the tundra.
I have spent three or four years planning this day and my future endeavors, and so far things seem to be falling into place. A man, a plan, Panama. (that really means nothing, but I like writing palindromes when the occasion arises, Bub!)
So, I have possibilities! At least until next March when I have to start looking over my shoulder.
Of course, there is STILL the matter of the next seven weeks of school to handle: testimonials, flowers strewn in my path, gold watches, new cars...all that yet to come.
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