Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

"Just Happy To See You!"

If you ever wonder why prisons are overcrowded, examine these recent cases from Wisconsin.
One guy was stopped by the police and shoved his marijuana pipe into his underwear to avoid being cauight with it. Unfortunately, he forgot to zip his pants back up so the officer was naturally suspicious. The Q & A which followed disclosed the offending material. Let's listen in:
"Excuse me, sir, is that a marijuana pipe in your underwear?"
" No, officer, I'm just glad to see you!"
"Uh, well, that's nice. Let's just have a little look-see there."
Time to call for back up.
To make matter worse, he admitted the use of pot to a cellmate WITH A GUARD STANDING RIGHT THERE! There's no reason this guy isn't incarcerated for life just for being stupid.
Of course, there's the recent story of a young man who called a tow truck...from the middle of a cornfield...late at night. Sensing that the caller might be a bit intoxicated, the tow truck driver called the police. Sure enough...he was arrested for DUI FOR THE SECOND TIME IN A WEEK! Since the "corn maze" season was long past, there was little to do but book him for relentless idiocy.
Normally, these kinds of behavior aren't news, but taken as a whole, they makes me seriously wonder about society. It gives me the shakes just imagining how many more of these idiots there are out there that have not been apprehended yet.
And they got "Scooter" Libby, too, by the way.
Thank goodness I'M normal...and, as yet, unapprehended!


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