Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Exercise Freak or Just Cheap?

If I can make it for the next two weeks, I will have succeeded in my goal of biking to work every day for the first semester. Neither rain, nor snow, nor mail people...etc. Of course, it's not the Herculean feat one might imagine: the distance is less than two miles each way though I make the round trip twice a day three days a week...the last ride occurring in the dark through a scary woods. I have almost hit a deer several times, a goose, and a couple of people dumb enough to be skulking around in dark clothing on the trail next to the golf course that I use as a way of avoiding car traffic.
I have survived crashes caused by mud and sharp corners ( a death-defying combination!), and it's been cold enough to stop mere mortals on a few occasions. How cold was it, you ask? It was so cold one day that I saw a dog frozen to a fire hydrant! It's actually a bit sad that I have to feed myself straight lines.
Thus it was that I was somewhat taken aback the other day to find an entire article devoted to how to bike to work. Really? How hard could it be? I suppose most people live too far away and would not consider the idea anyway, but still...The third Friday in May will be here soon: it's National Bike To Work Day. so, there is plenty of time for you to get ready. Here's what you need, according to some journalist somewhere:
1. Plan the route. Believe it or not, there are some dangerous people out there texting and driving.
2. Make sure you are physically capable. This is a no-brainer and a major reason why many of you have just stopped reading.
3. Be sure your bike can do it. Here's a clue: if there's rust all over it and the tires are flat and cracked...get something a cab.
4. Pack the necessities. I would suppose this means lunch...or extra clothes or a rain jacket. Unless you're ten miles from work, this doesn't seem like a big deal...though I find a backpack is easier than a messenger bag when riding.
5. Know what happens when you get to work. Need a shower or a change of clothes? Be sure that's available. Also be sure that there's a cardiologist's office nearby.

When all is said and done, think of all the money you've just saved on gasoline and auto repair as well as the money you will not have to spend at that fancy schmancy gym! Win, win!

See you on the roads!!


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