"You Suck, and I'm Happy About It"

What's the Story Here?
Human nature is complex, to say the least. For every Madonna, Angelina, et al adopting babies from foreign countries, there's a Rush saying that people deserve to have their country ripped apart by natural disaster because homosexuality deserves righteous, divine punishment. For every Pat Tillman who gave up a lucrative career ( and his life) to defend this country, there's a Vince Young who petulantly throws his gear into the stands and walks away from his team. Grace under pressure? I don't know, but I DO think I can safely say this about human nature: we're more about seeing people fail than we are cheered by someone doing the positive. Seriously...how long did the press drag out the Tiger Woods fiasco last year, excoriating him every step of the way (though, to be honest, he behaved badly, at the least).
I'm sure you, too, can think of many examples of just what I'm writing about. Yes, we cheered for the miners in Chile, but what have you felt for the poor fellows trapped in a mine in New Zealand right now? Haven't heard? Maybe it's just too far away to be news...but, I digress.
The Milwaukee Sentinel newspaper ran a public opinion poll today after the Green Bay Packers defeated the hero/villain Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings asking readers whether they were more excited to see the Packers play incredibly well or to see the Vikings fall apart and begin to bicker among themselves. We all heard the "Fire Childress" chants...some "fans." Anyway, 61% of those responding indicated that it was far more exhilarating to revel in the Vikings' failure than to bask in the glory of the resurgent Packers.
THAT speaks volumes for the character of human nature, I think. It's not so much about cheering for your team than it is about hating on the other team. I actually benefit from the Packers because they pay me to work at Lambeau in the summer, but otherwise, I get nothing out of the team, win OR lose, and I daresay I'm not the only one...and rivalries are great for the fans, but, really, what's the point of being more happy at someone else's misfortune than you are at "your" success?
Funny thing, though...doesn't this accurately describe the latest election cycle in this country (and probably most of them before now)?
Another strike against human nature, methinks.
I hope we get more than three.
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