Just in the St. Nick of Time!

Quick, guys, before the significant other suggests "we don't get each other anything this year," drop these items in her lap for perusal. Seriously, who wouldn't want any one of these wonderful gifts as tokens of love and affection?
From NFL.com, we have a toaster which not only features the logo of your favorite team, but it IMPRINTS THE LOGO IN YOUR TOAST! Are you kidding me? This has got to be the greatest invention since sliced bread (in a toaster sort of way, of course).
Are you more the dress up-take-the-sweetie-out-for-an-expensive-dinner at Golden Corral type? Well, then, you're sure to want to go in style with cufflinks of your favorite team. Not just any old keep-the-shirt-sleeves-from-falling-in-the-gravy cufflinks, these feature actual horsehide from REAL baseballs as an accent. That's right...not painted on, this is actual baseball material! Tell me you haven't wanted these all your life. They just scream "I'm sophisticated, and while I don't always watch baseball, when I do, it's to watch the (fill in your favorite team). I guarantee you'll be more interesting.
Finally, for the man who almost has it all, the final piece is...your own custom bobblehead. Really. What better way to remind the person most important to you that you are a ruggedly handsome, debonair love machine? This treasure is so lifelike, she'll think you've got a mini-me hanging around.
I'm telling you guys, 'tis the season to be getting so really amazing gifts. Don't let her talk you out of it.
Well, yeah, I guess you'd then have to get her something as well.
But isn't your happiness at receiving these boss gifts something she'll always remember?
Can't say that about a new vacuum.
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