Hope for The Untalented

I have to admit that I think the whole brouhaha is rather silly. I mean, who really cares? It's not like steroids are involved anyway or an Olympic performer is younger than allowed or a cyclist is juiced...it's just entertainment. But still...
The furor that has erupted (where else) on the internet is all about Bristol these days. It would seem that Bristol Palin, arguably the worst (at least by judges' standards) dancer on Dancing With the Stars as a finalist while really good dancers like Brandy Norwood have been sent packing has some folks irate. One viewer here in Wisconsin allegedly took a shotgun to his television then threatened his wife (who was probably reminding him how childish he was being and that they would miss FOX News later), leading to a SWAT team invasion yesterday. Really.
I find it hard to get worked up about it, though. Truth be told, I have never watched the show and don't intend to, but when something like this (or the Kanye.Swift dustup) makes big news, I notice.
Is this a sign that the Tea Party is poised to take over the country?
Is this a sign that "average" Americans want to see an unfortunate, single, teenage mom get a break?
Is this a sign that "average" Americans don't know crap about dancing? (but they "know what they like.")
Is this a sign of the coming Armageddon?
Is this a sign that a person doesn't need talent to succeed in this country?
Is this a sign that television has really become so insipid that we should all go back to reading books?
Yeah...that one...I vote for that one.
I agree with The Boss: "57 channels and nothing on."
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