Maybe Not ONLY in Wisconsin, But...

Seriously, Where else but here?
Making lemonade out of lemons is an entrepreneurial thing to do, and we always give kudos to those who can take outrage and turn it into outrageous, and it's especially creative if one takes someone ELSE'S lemons and profits by them. That's why I have to hand it to Brew City Apparel of, where else, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The cutting edge maker of apparel suited for Wisconsinites NOT associated with the "new elite," has done it again. While noted for such items as the beer pouch sweatshirt, pictured above, Owner Frank Keppler has always tried to point out the "best" of Milwaukee and Wisconsin in general; this fact is evidenced by some of the items available for purchase. T-shirts that send a message (and seldom a subtle one) are the staple at brew City. To wit:
"Milwaukee...Where's the Bubbler" is sure to bring a bemused look to any Cheesehead while totally dumbfounding people from, well, everywhere else.
"Polka...Official Dance of Wisconsin" will set heads to scratching nearly everywhere.
"Milwaukee, the City of Custardly Love" is a sure sign that one has been to Kaap's.
"Milwaukee, It's the Wurst" will totally dumbfound anyone from the FIBs on south.
My favorite until now has been the red T-shit featuring the outline of Wisconsin with the acronym "WTF" in bold letters, which, according to the owner (tongue firmly planted in cheek, I suspect) stands for "Wisconsin's Totally Fun."
Now, however, comes the best. Capitalizing on the recent TSA introduction of body scans and (some have said) rather intimate pat downs at airports for those who refuse the body scan, Brew City has just released its latest creation that promises to be a huge seller nationwide:
"It's OK, Touch My Junk>"
I'm wiping the tears from my eyes even as I type this.
I cannot wait to fly so I can use that line...or wear the Tshirt.
I'm certain the TSA folks will laugh heartily at my madcap sense of humor.
They're big on hijinks at airport security.
I'll be sure to pronounce THAT word carefully.
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