Kancelled, and Kan't Spell, Either

Too Much Alliteration For Me
Who says the ekonomy is bad? Black Friday seems to have been a big success, and Cyber Monday kan't be far behind. It's not sleigh bells ringing, it's kash registers...or so it seems. In the event that we have even more desires than money, there's always the kredit kard option, and for the last month, we kould have been flashing the Kardashian Kard for all those presale sale items. Who knew?
It seems that the sisters, Kim, Kloe and the other "K'" one had entered into a new branding experiment...but they were not the first. This koncept was so new that even LeBron James hadn't gotten into it yet: celebrity prepaid kash kards! The sisters figured it would expand the Kardashian brand by enkouraging the hordes of young people who idolize them to get their own kards and keep up with the Kardashians!. Sound krazy? Maybe; but then, we all have kredit kards anyway...why not a prepaid one one featuring the hottest sister act since Whoopi Goldberg? Several reasons, apparently.
Less than a month after agreeing to issue the "Kardashian Kard," banks are withdrawing it in akkordance with the wishes of the sisters who felt it wasn't being effective in kreating the image they wanted. What is kreated, according to the Attorney General of Connecticut, was a kard that charged "pernicious and predatory" fees, thereby trapping unsuspecting holders into more than a lifetime of debt. How bad were these fees, you ask? Get this:
Just to have the kard, one had to pay $99.99 and fork out an additional $7.50 per month...every month. Add money to the prepaid kard? It will cost $1 every time. Would you like to pay bills online with the Kardashian Kard? It will kost $2 every time you do so.
Fees are nothing new, but celebrity prepaid kards have become the thing to have lately. Most charge a monthly fee, usually around $40; most charge extra for a paper statement, usually $5.95 or so; many even have an inactivity fee of around ten bucks if you don't use it enough; and, of kourse, there's the service fees charged for a variety of services like speaking to kustomer service...that's around $3.95 as a rule.
So, the big kwestion is why would ANYONE in his or her right mind think of this as a good thing? My guess is the "I want to be like Mike" mindset that has junior high kids buying $140 sneakers that will be too small within a year.
My kredit kards actually pay ME! No service fees of any kind...when I have used them to a certain limit, they send me a cash bonus. Necessities like gqs, food, the okkasional dinner out: all kredit karded, but I NEVER karry a balance...NEVER.
The 250 people who purchased the kards are in a fix that I will never kontemplate.
And I can spell, too!
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