Smarter Than I Thought They Were
I've grumbled before about the furlough system imposed arbitrarily on state workers here in the Badger State...we are forced to take eight days off without pay to help balance the budget deficit (which I had no hand in creating, by the way). I chronicled how my boss told me that instead of taking the time off without pay, they would simply deduct 3% from my check...but I was encouraged to come to work anyway.I have lambasted the system that punishes guiltless while looking the other way at corporate megagreed. I've reached near apoplexy at the state of things, but now it's time to admit that it's simply water over the dam. Time to have that magpie pastry. It seems the state knew better all along!
According to a study published recently in the European Heart Journal, people who work overtime are more likely to suffer from heart disease.
The study of 6,000 civil servants in Britain found that workers who regularly worked 10-hour or 11-hour days increased their risk of serious heart ailments by two-thirds...even when outside influences like smoking were counted. Frankly, I was shocked, but as I began to think about it, the study only made sense.
People who work that much have less time to exercise, unwind or otherwise relax. BHy the time they get home, they are too exhausted to eat a decent meal, I would guess so something quick and filling (beer and chips, for instance) might suffice. I would imagine that it's so much worse for working women who then have to come home and complete all the domestic chores as well.
And, of course, those individuals who put in that kind of time are generally not slackers but Type A personalities who refuse to give up. They also are the type of worker who goes to work when feeling unwell.
So, who's laughing now? The State of Wisconsin has done all its civil servants a favor by forcing them to take some time off to regenerate. Of course, there's no way to regenerate the lost income but by getting a second job (he said, scanning the want ads).
Good thing I came home early today.
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