A Burahara Over Blood

You've Got the Bloody Right to Say...
Glancing over the garish headlines ion all the grocery store magazines the other day, I was amazed to find out that (apparently) there are a lot of people out there who care about how much cellulite "X" has on her thighs, or who's affair just became public, or which Hollywood star just adopted a baby while throwing her husband out...yada, yada, yada. I know this is popular stuff because almost every one of the periodicals featured at least one stroy in EACH of those categories, and the publishers wouldn't do that if rubber-neckers wouldn't buy such tripe. Nowhere, though, was there an article that featured a discussion about which blood type would make a good match for each of us. Go to Japan, though...
Apparently, this is one of the hot topics in Japan: making a love match based on blood type. It has reached such a fever pitch that self-help books and women's magazines give extended coverage to helping singles negotiate the maze of singlehood by clearly identifying suitable partners based on blood type. In fact, the question of bool type is often asked in job interviews (companies like work groups of similar type), and it it a given in the world of speed dating. A former Prime Minister even listed his blood type in his personal bio online! Imagine that. So, what does each blood type represent...to the Japanese, at least?
Type A: dependable, self-sacrificing but reserved and prone to worry.
Type AB: well-balanced, clear-sighted and logical BUT high maintenance and distant.
Type O: decisive and confident.
Type B (for bad boys, I guess): Flamboyant, free-thinkers BUT very selfish.
This kind of discrimination has even got a name: "Burahara," which translates to "blood group harassment." I thought, initially, that it might be the name given to arguments during a Japanese sporting event.
A final word of caution: if you ARE a Type B, don't let it get you down since the Red cross will ALWAYS be your friend. Just don't go to Japan and let on.
No word whether the RH factor is a factor. Maybe somebody else will do that research.
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