Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

See the U.S.A. by Car...Free Bathroom Stops...Cheap Eats

The airline industry has been beset by high costs of fuel and materials over the past few years so they have, naturally, passed those increases on to us, the flying public. It's not enough that the TSA has invaded our privacy even to the point of see-through technology at screening sites, and the airlines stopped providing in-flight snacks, now there are a whole new bevy of ways to squeeze the already-exasperated flyer, frequent or otherwise.
The latest proposal seems to revolve around the weight of passengers. It seems that someone, somewhere has the idea that airlines could charge passengers by their weight (and I'm sure that "someone" wasn't Kevin Smith!). While that idea has yet to get off the ground in reality, it IS being considered. In fact, 'way back in 1985, Lufthansa asked its passengers to get weighed before boarding, though it did so only to survey the average weight of its passengers and did not charge extra for the obese. But now? anything is possible. Consider these facts:
The seat in coach is 17 inches wide.
The average American has gained 13 pounds in the last 15 years.
Southwest Airlines already charges obese passengers the price of two seats (see Kevin Smith).
Spirit Air will begin charging passengers a fee to carry on luggage this summer!
Ryanair has begun charging fliers to use the bathroom in-flight...though, this applies only to fights of less than an hour.
However, have they ever heard of an enlarged prostate? I have, and an hour can be about 40 minutes too long in some cases. Believe me, they would definitely have a lawyer calling them in that case.
All Nippon Airways began asking customers last year to go to the bathroom before boarding flights in an attempt to lighten the "load" and save fuel. What the heck do they eat that's so heavy? All that sushi can't weight much!
So, you can see that charging people per pound is not such an outrageous idea, even on Southwest where my checked bags fly free.
Let's recap: long security lines which invade privacy to an embarrassing degree; extra pay for bags and bounds; $5 sandwich as in-flight food; some incredibly obese person STILL taking up more than the allotted space; and my bags go off on a vacation without me.
Sounds like a deal. This time around, I'm taking the car for any trip. Of course, that limits me to only 48 states since I can't drive to Hawaii and With my summer tan, I would get stopped every 20 miles if I went to Arizona.
But at least the bathroom would be free every 20 minutes or so.


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