Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Modern "Greasy Kid's Stuff"

Back when I was a bit younger ( in the 20th century, to be exact) nobody called it "product" "It" was that stuff that men put in their hair to make it manageable. There were three varieties of which I was aware: Butch wax, Brylcreme and "greasy kid's stuff, what ever that was. Butch wax was cool because there was this neat little bristled brush you could use with it. Unfortunately, it had the consistency of weeks-old library paste which did one's hair no good at all. Brylcreme was advertised as the cure for the greasy kid's stuff with the motto "a little dab will do you." Maybe it did, I never progressed to that level because the Beatles exploded on the scene, and hair "product" was unnecessary. Still, it's nice to know that there's still a connection between hair and the greasy stuff.
It seems that Cuts By Us, a styling salon in Harvest, Alabama, has reunited the grease and hair in hopes of solving a national dilemma: the gargantuan BP oil slick fouling the Gulf waters. In what stylists are referring to as a "save the shrimp" campaign, every clump of hair removed from patrons' heads is being sent to Matter of Trust, a San Francisco company that weaves salon-floor hair into mats which can be used effectively to soak up oil. In fact, each pound of woven hair can soak up a quart of oil. Each mat can them be washed and reused...without styling, I would suppose. Another method for soaking up oil involves cramming the hair inside pantyhose to make a "boom" which will also absorb greasy kid's stuff.
This kind of entrepreneurship should be lauded with a trip to the salon for all of us.
I wonder if gray heair works as well as younger hair>


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