Assault With An "Other"

Really, it's not slimy at all!
There are phobias that seem to affect us all: some minor such as not allowing food to touch other food on a plate as well as some so obscure that they define pronunciation as well as description. "Google" the list yourself, if you don't believe me. One thing is for sure: Jeffrey Culp has a "thing" about snakes. In fact, he is quoted as saying, "I don't do snakes." To be honest, I don't really "do" snakes, either, and I'm not crazy about huge spiders or things I cannot see underwater, either. But then, nobody is actively shoving them in my face, either...unlike Culp.
It seems that Mr. Culp was residing in a motel in South Carolina where one Tony Smith also happened to be staying. On successive nights, Culp was kept awake by loud music that prevented him from resting comfortably prior to getting up early for work. Upon confronting Smith and asking politely, I presume, at first that the decibel level be lowered, he was rebuffed, and the request became a demand. At any rate, some time later, Culp was strolling outside with his wife and a friend when he was tapped on the shoulder. When he turned around, he was face to, uh, face with a wide-open mouth of a 4-foot python which proceeded to grap his lip and do other snakelike things, even to the point, according to Culp of "trying to get inside my mouth." (that's why you should never scream if a python attacks)
The event left Culp so shaken that he showered for several hours though he never really explained why...after all, cleaning oneself after soiling underwear really doesn't take all that long. Maybe wrinkly people are less apt to be attacked.
Smith was escorted to the crowbar hotel by officers who charged him with assault and battery. According to the police report, the weapon of choice was listed as "other."
Pleasant dreams!
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