Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Monday, October 08, 2007

"I Wouldn't Have Gone To Prison"

Self-reflection is an interesting concept, and one most of us ignore until we're about to die or some unspeakable tragedy occurs. No, the Packers losing to the Bears yeasterday is not such an instance! It's just that we spend so much time double-parked on Self-Pity Blvd. or zooming in the fast lane of life ("Get out of my way, dammit! I'm in a hurry!")that we seldom pause to evaluate our life or our position on anything that really matters...and, NO the Packers' loss is not one of those, as aggravating as it was.
I was lying in the hospital some years ago, having had an aneurysm repaired...yep, those things that are usually found in an autopsy. Having nothing better to do for six weeks than learn "Volcano" on a newly-bought guitar, I had time for serious self-reflection. I came to the realization that my life, though seemingly wonderful to me (with the exception of almost dying), probably wasn't the best course of action for me to take for my family. I resolved to spend more time with them, be kinder and gentler as much as was humanly possible for a Type A person to be, and generally remake the way I looked at things. While not toally remade some fifteen years later, I think I have become more empathetic and intuitive where others are concerned. I am definitely a happier word from those around me if I've done much for them! So when I read a story today about Merle Haggard, self-reflection again came to the fore.
Haggard, who is or is about to be 70 years old, has been a musician noted for political views and a hard-living lifestyle that got him a prison sentence, a divorce and alcohol issues. His music was eminently memorable (sure, you know "Okie From Muskogee"...don't deny it). Now he is releasing a new album, having finished several in the last year. "Haggard Like You've Never Heard Him Before" is, I think, the title. Sounds self-reflective to me. He was asked what among everything he's experienced in his life he would do over again. His response?
"I'd have never gone to prison."
While most of us could forego that statement, there ARE things we wish we could do over. Think about that and make the change before it's too late.
Every day in which I wake up breathing is going to be the best day of my life. I will avoid prison if at all possible. My two-hour stay in the state penitentiary in Oregon (long story) was enough for me, thank you.
Enjoy Merle.


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