Nectar Debunked...Somewhat

My old buddy Karl, the "Man on the Street" for a radio show I used to do, always proclaimed Sundrop soda was the best soft drink made. "Nectar of the gods" he called it until we got into a lengthy discussion (lasting several weeks!) about the grammatical correctness of his appellation. See, by definition, "nectar" is the drink favored by the gods on Mount Olympus. My contention was that he was being redundant in his description much like the idiots that say "and et cetera." My point is that he was saying that Sundrop was "the drink of the gods of the gods." Eventually, he caved in to my logic and simply called it "nectar." Now, I find out that there is more caffeine in Sundrop than in almost any other soft drink. No wonder the Trojan War took so long: the gods were all amped on Sundrop!
Diet Pepsi Max was the winner in the "most-caffeine-per-12oz.-serving" contest with 69mg. of caffeine. Remember, this is 12 ounces, not the 20oz. containers our kids guzzle! Compare this to Diet Pepsi with 36mg and regular Pepsi which contains a measly 28 mg. of caffeine.
Diet Sundrop contains 69mg. of caffeine as well, and regular Sundrop weighs in at 63 mg.
Diet Mountain Dew and regular Mountain Dew both contain 55mg of caffeine, but only in this country. Strangely enough, that brand has NO caffeine included when sold outside this country. Now THERE'S something to ponder.
It's factual: of the ten soft drinks containing caffeine sold in the U.S. nine of them are of the diet variety: a legal way to speed ones metabolism, I suspect. Of course, there remains the theory that diet sodas also increase the appetite as well...
Coffee drinkers, who have long been pilloried for massive caffeine ingestion, fared only slightly better than soda drinkers. According to the USDA study referred to here, one teaspoon of instant coffee yields 57mg of caffeine. No word on regularly brewed coffee.
Coke drinkers can celebrate a little, since Diet Coke came in at 46.5mg. of caffeine, slightly more than Diet Sunkist orange pop. (yes, it has caffeine NOT juice) Regular Coke contains 34.5mg. of caffeine.
Thus, the cola wars will continue; for Karl and me, however, it's still Sundrop.
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