Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

You Want Busy? Try Retirement

I always laughed at guys like my Uncle Al who told me that retirement just meant having more stuff to do...though he always said at least one could pick the time in which to do all of that stuff. I'm sitting here with hundreds of CDs on spindles...waiting for me to find the jewel cases and get them up for sale on EBay. This is part of a plan devised several years ago to keep me occupied, first, during the summer vacations and now, during "retirement." Not a good plan, as it turns out. They may still be there when our kids go through the house getting rid of "junk" left over from when their parents were still living somewhere other than "The Home."
This week's itinerary:
1. work 35 hours at a 20-hr-per-week part time job.
2. take an afternoon and one whole day flying to Cleveland to visit a new grandson
3. spend 75 minutes of that time sitting in traffic to go three miles in downtown Milwaukee!
4. Take 4 students to a museum for 90 minutes then spend another 45 minutes running with a student athlete who missed an appointment earlier in the day. (he did more running than I did)
5. Offciate volleyball for seven hours, assuring that the rest of Saturday would be spent doing homework reading American Lit and Sociology texts.
6. Read Tony Dungy's book Quiet of the best biographies I have ever read, by the way.
7. Announce at a university soccer match which required me to get up earlier than I would have liked on a Sunday.
8. Rue the fact that the lawn did not get cut and pretend I'll get to it next week...early in the week.
9. Iron a week's worth of clothes...I really hate the fact that I have to wear "real" clothes to work now. No more shorts and T-shirts.
10. Fret over the NY Yankees/Boston Red Sox series and anxiously check ESPN for updates.
11. Swear for twenty minutes at the seeming death of my first iPod.

Too much to do...too little time.
This week will be easier!


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