Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Cubs make the playoffs...The Mets blow a 7-game lead and are out...nuns in Arkansas are excommunicated...Phil Spector trial ends in mistrial...monks get beaten in Mynamar...Shilpa Shetty is still in trouble for kissing Richard Gere. (OK, I get that one, but the others?)
It must be the autumnal equinox has everything messed up. Perhaps someone ate all the karma apples prior to Hallowe'en. Maybe it was that lunar eclipse thing that happened a few weeks ago. Who knows? Maybe it's the Matt Millen Reverse Curse in which nothing happens the way it's supposed to. Fact is, I'm confused.
When a group calling itself The Army of Mary shows up in Arkansas, you know something has gone haywire. I think the largest part of the group resides in Canada ('nuff said), but the ones who got the offical axe from the Catholic Church were living in Arkansas...and they hadn't even read The DaVinci Code yet. Somehow, believing that words from the Mother of God come straight out of some woman's mouth in Canada irritated the Powers That Be, though I have yet to hear from them about the fascinating thing I saw this weekend which made each piece of toast look as if Mary were emblazoned on the side. I actually thought it was crazycool.
Warning to Madonna and Brit: stay out of India. If Shetty can be prosecuted for kissing Mr. Gere in public, imagine what the authorities would say about that tongue thing on the Grammys! You'd be in the slammer faster than you could say "Miss Bollywood!" Seriously, though, how many times in public have you wanted to say, "Hey, get a room!"? I know I thought that just this weekend on the subway in Chicago...more out of envy, perhaps, than moral indignity. It's just that she goes to jail (if apprehended), and he does not. What's that? And you cannot convince me that there is no seamy underbelly in India. How else do you suspect all those peole got there...move from China?
Anyway, be on the alert for more crazy stuff. I think this last quarter of the year will be a dandy.


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