"Moral Compass": The Reality Show

It's not often something comes along that catches the entire world's attention and holds us riveted, awaiting the next development. Of course, we all waited to see the Pam Anderson/Tommy Lee tape or "A Night in Paris," but by the time I found out about those, they were not free any more! Steroids and baseball players continues to be an ongoing docu-drama. Britney Spears, naturally, is still a world-wide phenomenon as we await the next amazingly stupid thing she does. However, neither Rosie not The Donald weighed in on any of those, to my knowledge; so, when they get involved in a story, it grows legs. In this case, the legs are prominently displayed on Tara Conner.
Picture this: you are a billionaire worth, conservatively, 2.6 billion dollars. You've had two gorgeous wives and dumped them both. Having $500-dollar bills hanging out of your pocket doesn't seem to work in the pick-up-chicks department...so, you buy a beauty contest or two. Immediate cachet with the ladies! (bikini-clad ladies, at that). However, one of those ladies gets outed for underage drinking and getting frisky with another young lady, and the damn news outlets won't leave it alone! (Leave it to the liberal media to know a good story when it sees one.) Owning part of the Miss USA and Miss America pageants isn't much good if people think your winners are sleazy and/or untoward (legally and morally)in their behaviors. By the way, there is NO confirmation that Tara Conner "caught in the whilwind that is New York" spent part of that time with Derek Jeter. Of course, she might be the only attractive young woman he hasn't dated. Kudos to him, I say.
Anyway, a public forgiveness followed by a tearful thank you and immediate departure for Trump Sanitarium for treatment was the perfect solution. Instead of "You're fired" it became "I'll give you another chance." Needless to say, neither of the former Mrs. Trumps got THAT invitation! Anyhow...it was on the way to becoming the feel-good story of the year until Rosie came along on "The View."
Ms. O'Donnell ripped Trump as a twice-divorced person incapable of being anybody's moral compass, let alone one for 20-year-old beauty queens.
Trump responded with some really vicious things to say about Rosie's looks, her desirability as an intimate partner and even suggested that he might get some of his buddies to steal Kelli Carpenter away from Rosie. Wow! Talk about being breathless in anticipation. This one will have more rounds than Rocky Balboa. Is it sweeps week by any chance?
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