Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Borat? Bore-at!

I may be the first and only person to say this, but I really didn't think Borat was funny. Despite what all the crtitics had to say, I did not find myself guffawing then feeling guilty for laughing. Ryun tells me that this is the funniest movie he's seen in 15 years. I missed the funny parts. It's not that I'm old (I am) or that I have no sense of humor (I laugh a lot), it's just that this series of comic sketches thinly-disguised as a full-length movie was disjointed enough that it lost me. I really felt like I was in that South Park episode in which Kyle and Kenny go to Hollywood to get their eight dollars back from Mel Gibson because they hated The Passion of the Christ. I have walked out on movies before, but I held steadfast on this one, hoping to find a saving grace. nope. The one line that NOBODY in the theater with me thought was funny was delivered by a person dressed as either Laurel or Hardy (I get them mixed up): "Here's another fine mess you've gotten us into." At least THAT was clever even though it flew right over most peole's heads. I will admit that throwing his satchel on the road and hearing the hen inside cackle was humorous...I smiled.
Scatalogical humor at dinner? Fine by me. Rip on Jews and fat people? There's a place for it (mostly around thin, non-Jews). Pillory fundamentalists (get it?)and Love-It-Or-Leave-It patriots? OK. Those are easy shots which I,myself, take sometimes, especially given the current crisis in the moral majority. I think political correctness has swung too far anyway. We're all flawed so let's have some fun with it. I just didn't get into the presentation. F-bomb everybody if you want to, but use it in a context that is in the movie MASH in which one guy says, "I'm going to knock your f'ing head off" during the football game. (Now THAT was a funny movie!)
If it had been my eight dollars, I think I would go looking for Sacha Baron Cohen.
Maybe it was just the torpor induced by my visit to the Golden Corral for "STeak and Steak Night" prior to the movie. Maybe popcorn would have made me appreciate it more. I'll never know. It is not currently on my Netflix queue.


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