My Plan for the Economy

Every Tourist Dollar Helps
Following the election of a new governor here in the cheese state who promised to create 250,000 jobs was the news that a major company was laying off more than 400 workers and that the proposed high speed rail operation gad been stopped, laying off construction workers and putting into doubt the plant that was to manufacture those trains...addition by subtraction maybe.
Nonetheless, I put my thinking cap on backwards (like so many politicians) and came up with a solution that will bring money into this area of the country: we need to build the biggest statue of jesus in the world! nIf it works in Rio and Poland, it will work here. Well, the jury is still out on Poland, and Rio has Carnival with nekkid women, but still...
Swiebodzin, Poland has just laid claim to having the tallest statue of Jesus in the world, eclipsing the previous record-holder in Rio de Janerio. The statue itself stands 33 meters high (one for every year of Jesus' life...get it?) or 108 feet, gold crown included, for those of us in the only country in the world eschewing the metric system. While that in itself does not match the 38 meter high statue in Rio, when one counts (as the Poles do) the mound on which the statue stands, the statue rises to the majestic height of 51 meters (167 ft.)
The purpose of all this? To praise God? bring in tourists...this according to the man who envisioned the project, a man nicknamed "the builder priest": 78-year0old Father Sylwester Zawadski. Collecting donations worldwide, the priest envisions a zloty-filled bonanza for the town of roughly 20,000 people. he figures that pilgrims from around the world will journey there just to take in the amazing sight, spending money on food, lodging and on trinkets at the (invariable) gift shop.
I'm going to keep a close eye on this one. I think he may have something.
It should be at least as big of a draw as our new roller coaster (said to be Elvis' favorite!)
Prosperity is just around the corner.
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