Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It Doesn't Pay To think Too Much

On the birthday that really separates me from "young" in many ways, I woke up feeling, well...old. Aches and pains? I've got 'em though they have yet to stop me from doing what I want, except for the running thing. That's long gone, and I still miss it. As I sifted through birthday greetings today, it made me feel good to think that so many people took the 15 seconds from their lives to send me a FaceBook greeting. To have meaningful conversations with the kids and the most wonderful woman in the world (you KNOW who you are) helped to alleviate the weight of age, but there are still some things that seem to cast a pall on things...and I can do very little about any of them.

1. How can more than 900 people in Haiti die of cholera after being smashed by earthquakes and hurricanes while so many arrogant @$$#0les in this country blithely ignore their plight as well as the plight of millions of Americans in dire straits?

2. How come our twins were able to escape grinding poverty of the Third World while so many could not?

3. How can Terry Pratchett be suffering from Alzheimer's disease? He has brightened my life more than most other authors.

4. How can our country spend so much money on athletic pursuits and so little on education?

5. How can I be a LOT closer to 100 than I was just yesterday?

6. How can I have so much when so many have so little?

Time to man up and get on with it. I've wasted too much of what's left of my life already.


At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...those are some seriously depressing thoughts for a birthday. Do what you can and enjoy your life.


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