I'd Rather Be Me

The thrill (er) is gone.
Without thinking too hard, try to figure out what the following people have in common;
J.R.R. Tolkien
Dr. Suess
Steig Larsson
Jimi Hendrix
Charles Schultz
Michael Jackson
Give up? Actually, you had three chances to connect these individuals, one or two more poignant than obvious:
1. They are all men
2. They are all dead
3. They are among to top ten money-makers among dead people.
Yes, that's right. According to Forbes magazine, those folks all rake in millions every year...some a LOT more than others. Because you are dying (sorry) to know, I will give you the list of the more prominent cadavers still raking in the dough. The list is in oder from 1-11 with the exception of #10 who I thought was not interesting enough to include.
1. Michael Jackson made $275 million last year
2. Elvis Presley made $60 million
3. J.R.R. tolkien made $50 million
4. Charles Schultz made $33 million
5. John Lennon made a mere $17 million
6. Steig Larsson made $15 million
7. Dr. Suess ( did you know it was a real guy? I didn't) made $11 million
8. Albert Einstein made $10 million (of course, in 1941 money that's a billion or so
9. George Steinbrenner made $8 million and didn't make the World Series...bet he's spinning right now!
11. Jimi Hendrix still brought in $6 million dollars in and age when most people were not alive to hear his stuff.
All that being said, I don't imagine making that much cash really has much of an effect on the people listed.
That's why I'm taking it all with me.
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