Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'd Rather Be Me

The thrill (er) is gone.

Without thinking too hard, try to figure out what the following people have in common;
J.R.R. Tolkien
Dr. Suess
Steig Larsson
Jimi Hendrix
Charles Schultz
Michael Jackson

Give up? Actually, you had three chances to connect these individuals, one or two more poignant than obvious:
1. They are all men
2. They are all dead
3. They are among to top ten money-makers among dead people.
Yes, that's right. According to Forbes magazine, those folks all rake in millions every year...some a LOT more than others. Because you are dying (sorry) to know, I will give you the list of the more prominent cadavers still raking in the dough. The list is in oder from 1-11 with the exception of #10 who I thought was not interesting enough to include.

1. Michael Jackson made $275 million last year
2. Elvis Presley made $60 million
3. J.R.R. tolkien made $50 million
4. Charles Schultz made $33 million
5. John Lennon made a mere $17 million
6. Steig Larsson made $15 million
7. Dr. Suess ( did you know it was a real guy? I didn't) made $11 million
8. Albert Einstein made $10 million (of course, in 1941 money that's a billion or so
9. George Steinbrenner made $8 million and didn't make the World he's spinning right now!
11. Jimi Hendrix still brought in $6 million dollars in and age when most people were not alive to hear his stuff.

All that being said, I don't imagine making that much cash really has much of an effect on the people listed.
That's why I'm taking it all with me.


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