The Eye of the Beholder

Is it, or isn't it?
To say the folks in the Sunflower State are a conservative lot is something akin to saying that bears DO, in fact, make a toilet of the wooded areas nearby. They are so conservative in that state that evolution was a forbidden subject in schools I(for a while in the last decade, anyway), and a university there had to borrow the logo of a Big Ten school because it could not afford to design one of its own! Saying "Democrat" in that vicinity is likely to be a call for psychiatric help...well, you get the picture.
Anyway, this statewide personality is so ingrained that I wqs totally surprised when I read about the controversy that had erupted over the new logo for a major building in one of its major three cities.
The Century II Performing arts and convention center has been standing for 41 years, and it's become an icon on the Plains...maybe because one can see it five miles away, rising above an otherwise level terrain. In keeping with the times, someone thought it would be great to come up with a catchy new logo to enhance the image of the venerable building and draw even more visitors from the Plains. The illustration above is the result.
Anyone would recognize the oval shape, but it's the addition at the top that has caused the controversy. Some wags have identified it as a frying pan while others note that it resembles nothing more than the lid of a barbecue grill...something everyone can see. But it's the third viewpoint that has caused the controversy as some say it resembles , um, a part of female anatomy?
Aghast, I would not have considered this to be coming from my home state.
Must have been a visitor from Oklahoma.
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