WAY Too Much Time On His Hands
I'm one of those people who could probably be happy on a secluded island with books, my iPod and my sweetie (although she would get antsy after being with me non-stop for three weeks). In other words, I don't have a great need to be surrounded by people all the time Let's see...does that make me a seal or a sea lion? A seal, I think...sea lions are much more social. Anyway, the idea of networking with all of my friends was never an idea that thrilled me all that much. Mind you, I HATE it when people send Christmas cards that a re merely signed and not personalized in any way, but knowing every little detail every day is simply not necessary. That's why I view Facebook as something of a double-edged sword. It's a pleasant surprise when someone from a galaxy long ago and far away sends a note, and I respond to just about everything I get, but I don't obsess about it.
I do not check my status unless somebody sends me a message...I do NOT join any causes...and I absolutely refuse to get involved in any simulation games. All of this is enough reason to make me a little creeped out by Mark Zuckerberg.'
Zuckerberg, the brains behind Facebook, claims that by noting three things: 1. who was looking at whose profile 2. who people are friends with and 3. who is newly-single that he can accurately predict 33% of the time who a person will be in a relationship within a week. This information comes from a book by David Kilpatrick entitled The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of a Company That Is Connecting the World. There are a couple of things wrong with this, as I see it.
First of all, getting it right a third of the time doesn't make this a sure thing unless one is hitting a baseball professionally. Determining relationship patterns has to be a most inexact science.
Additionally, since there are others like me, I'm sure, who seldom connect with others, it would have to be difficult to gauge any kind of pattern except isolationism.
Finally, does Zuckerberg actually sit around studying profiles and patterns of total strangers, or is this his way of meeting girls instead of EHarmony?
Farmville might be more fun.
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