Kenya Believe It?

It's possible that if you were paying attention in 2007, you read the news about the disputed Kenyan national election. The loser was a sore one and instigated violence, and before the U.N. could step in, 1,500 people were dead and more than 300,000 people were left homeless. This was big news, and the dispute seemed to be solved recently when elected president Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga decided that ruling over living Kenyans was better than ruling over dead bodies...and decided to share power. That would seem to be a likely resolution, but the transition has been getting more and more acrimonious with each man claiming to be disrespected by the other, yada, yada, yada.
Well, it would seem that the women of Kenya have had enough. As in most nations, women in Kenya really don't have a lot of power to influence policy, but it is common knowledge that women are smarter than men: at least women are (generally) not driven so completely by sex as men seem to be. So, the Federation of Women Lawyers in conjunction with the Women's Development Organization coalition has decreed a seven-day ban on sex with husbands in Kenya in hopes that this show of coercion will convince the men to do something right for a change. Now that's some pressure!
Without getting myself into too much hot water, it occurs to me that a week without sex would, uh, not be tremendously burdensome because...well, never mind that one. Let's just say there are some masters of restraint out there. Not so in Kenya, apparently, according to Anne Waithera, a correspondent for the BBC. She claims there will be (and I quote) "stiff resistance" from the males of that country who seem to think two days' abstinence would be too hard on them. Again, I'm not going to, uh, get into it; it's up to those fellows.
I rather suspect, though, that the legal sex workers (which are present in Kenya) will be doing a land office business even though they are being asked to join the boycott (and mancott, apparently, as well).
Hey, if it takes that to get some peace and quiet and a reasonable government in Kenya, I say "go for it!" They've got enough troubles as it is.
I still have to worry about getting the flu.
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