Time To Get A Grip, People!

One of my coworkers was bummed today...well, maybe "nonplussed" is a better way to describe it. He proffered two pictures of a woman dated about 20 years ago or so and mentioned that this person was the only woman with whom he had a discussion about marriage: the rest were just not close enough. The fact that he's single today is a good indication that things did not work out, and he'd lost touch.
Until Facebook.
He opened his account yesterday to find a picture of "her" and a message which seemingly indicated a desire to rekindle a romance...this in spite of the facts that she's married and has a couple of teenage kids and lives a long way from here. He was truly numbed by the whole thing: the "proposal. the contact after so long, and the fact that he could barely recognize her given her physical changes over time. Seriously, he looked as dazed as if someone had whacked him upside his head with a hammer. He just sat there, shaking his head. My advice? "Burn the pictures and let it go. Things are different now." Whether that's good advice or not, it brings up a phenomenon noted by the social networking site MomsLikeMe.com. GottaLoveThem of Sheboygan notes that she knows of three marriages which have foundered as a result of people"finding" their high school or college love interest on Facebook then divorcing the current Mr. or Mrs. "Right" for the old flame.
What the hell is wrong with people? You broke up for a very good reason, and twenty years is not going to change that, especially since there are others involved! I just don't get it, but I pondered on it for a while.
If an old girlfriend were to contact me via Facebook, I doubt that I would accept her as a friend...not because I cannot be friends with old romances, but because it would imply to my current sweetie that she's not the only one. Face it, there WERE great times with those old romances, but I've had MANY more great times with THIS one. Why would I even think about hurting her, even slightly?
I'm still shaking my head.
Oh yeah, don't think I spend my time going to sites like MomLikeMe.com because I don't, but if it's reported somewhere in a newspaper, I'll find it. That's where I go instead of social networking sites for an hour every day.
Really, I mean it.
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