Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beisbol, Si; TV 11,No!

You have to remember the Garrett Morris character on the "good' Saturday Night Live years. His version of the Hispanic baseball player ALWAYS had tears running out of my eyes and ribs aching with laughter: "Beisbol bin berry, berry good to me" was his signature line for that recurring character, and I never think about baseball without remembering him. So it was somewhat ironic today that baseball and Spanish collided again today.
Blog reader and baseball aficianado Mike wrote to report that the World Series was available on Fox's Spanish-speaking channel. While I had discovered a streaming channel on the computer to watch part of last night's game, there was a certain allure to lounging on the couch in front of the big screen in the basement (a.k.a. The Love Shack) as well as the challenge of watching a game without announcers providing insight in a language I could understand. Not that I'm completely without understanding of the language...I've been to Mexico and, uh, somewhat been able to communicate on minor issues like order more beer ("mas cerveza, por favor") and get directions to the bathroom ("donde esta el bano"). I've been able to price things at the market ("quando questa?") but that's about it unless ordering at Taco Bell and counting to ten count (probably not). So, in the spirit of educating myself, I checked it out after getting home from study table in the middle of the 7th.
Following the action was easy, but I really focused on the language. The on-screen prompts were in English as were all the signs in the ball park, but other wise, it was all en espanol...except for words that did not translate well like "strike" "home plate" "Dodgers" "Vanderbilt" "New York Yankees" and "Babe Ruth." Of course, every time a player's name came up, it was spoken as I would have said it though the commercials were all in Spanish; I did recognize "T Mobile" and "Nissan." I rather liked it, actually.
Thanks to Mike for the tip. Even though his Cubs and my Yanks are not part of the festivities, it's still beisbol...even in Spanish.
Via con Dios!


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