Got Four Hours? Have A Burger!

The United States Department of Health and Human Services has done its yearly duty and put out a scholarly article indicating that 60 million American adults are obese, and that we all need at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise every week. Kids need more, etc. etc. We're supposed to avoid red meat, gas station food and do pushups, situps and "heavy gardening" whatever that is. Given the state of the economy and the ecological nightmare we're all facing, I think I'd rather go sooner rather than later. And here's the way I intend to do it: eat. A lot. At Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, PA, somewhat north of Pittsburgh.
Apparently, the establishment took umbrage when its title of "the restaurant with the biggest burger" was taken away by some poser elsewhere, so the owners upped the ante with the Belly Buster, a burger comprised of, get this, 10.5lb of beef, 25 cheese slices, 1 head of lettuce, 3 tomatoes, 2 onions, 1 1/2 cups of the following: mayonnaise, mustard, catsup, relish and banana peppers. Oh yeah, there's a bun, too.
Whew! Apparently, though, this gastronomic nuclear device is not the only offering...there are other "specials," all with prizes ranging from a free burger to money upon completion in a stated time period.The menu:
The Pub Challenger: one person eating gets an hour to finish.
The Pub Super Challenger: one person eating gets an hour and a half.
Ye Old 96er (remember John Candy?): one person eating with a 3-hour limit.
The Belly Buster (pictured above):4-hour limit but a 2-person team is acceptable. Brad Sciullo, pictured, managed to eat one all by himself in under four hours.
Whew! I did not look far enough into the web site to find out what each "meal" involved, but rest assured, it's BIG!
The price for the Belly Buster is $30, but beating the time limit gets the burger comped as well as T-shirts, cetificate and a place in the "Hall of Fame" (located near the john, I would guess).
I can remember when I thought the fried Krispy Kreme burger was a taste sensation, but's just got to be short of heaven (purgatory?). Karl Walters would take a day off just to go have one instead of putting on the feed bag somewhere in Chippewa Falls. I think my pal Dan needs to add this to his list of favorite places...though it would be hard to do so without actually trying one. Dan, there must be a Legion team to play in Pittsburgh this coming summer. I'll be working basketball camp again...we could try it on for size!
Fries with that? No thanks.
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