Joe's Still With Us

As I get older and become beset with life-altering problems like enlarged prostates and erectile dysfunction and high cholesterol (all of this according to TV ads, mind you), I have to be careful about deciding which things in my world are worthy of attention. I awaken every morning and breathe a sigh of relief that I'm not looking up at the lid of a wooden box. Thus, my life and its expectations are rather simple most of the time. While I find this season's political reality show educational, I can find good things about all of the candidates and feel that we'll ultimately be better off this time next year than we are now. That's when Michelle Malkin gets into the picture, and I forget about ED an all the side effects of Levitra. I have no personal problem with Ms.Malkin, but I think she needs to get more of a perspective on some things. Take Dunkin' Donuts' recent ad featuring Rachel Ray.
It seems that DD has decided to enter the iced coffee market light years after everyone else has joined the fray. OK, I can accept that they're a bit slow to the game. Using a well-known food person like Rachel Ray was a smart move designed to entice "regular" people to buy the new product (not me, of course since caffeine and enlarged prostates don't mix). All was well, and I don't think Starbucks or McDonald's were especially concerned: not when my wife literally guzzles Starbucks' Mocha Frappacino (only mocha, not dark chocolate or any of the sissy flavors like strawberry) and millions of senior citizens crowd Mickey D's place every day. Still...there are clouds on the horizon...who could it be? could it be...TERRORISTS? (taking liberties with Dana Carvey's "Church Lady"). It seems that Malkin has decided the scarf worn by Ms. Ray in the commercial spot is a BIT TOO MUCH LIKE THE ONES TERRORISTS WEAR! She has made enough of a stink about the possibilities that Dunkin' Donuts decided to pull the spot off the air to quiet the approaching storm. Seriously, Rachel Ray supporting terrorists? Falafel, maybe, but weapon-wielding zealots? Check out the photo. Is this offensive to you? In a non-scientific poll taken by the Chicago Tribune today, approximately 12,000 votes were cast concerning the potential threat hinted at by the scarf, and fewer than 1,000 people found it to be offensive in any way. Of course, it was an online poll, and Malkin could have voted any number of times herself.
Seriously, though, this is nuts! I missed the "communist-behind-every-bush" rampage of Senator Joe McCarthy back in the 50s, but this smacks of a witch hunt to me. Soon, we'll all be picketing The Gap for selling scarves that "appear" to be terrorist-styled. Everything will be in camouflage pattern instead, and there will be a Mr. Black's Worst-Dressed Terrorist list (think "Zoolander" fashion). If she weren't so serious about it, I would think she's pulling our legs, but I doubt if Malkin ever laughs at anything.
Maybe the political season has run its course and has little left to offer (though I'll bet Scott McClellan will provide months' worth of material).
Maybe Ms. Malkin needs a PR boost and did not want to appear in public without underwear.(though a sure-fire hit, it's been done to death)
Maybe she own Starbucks stock!
Maybe I'll buy a scarf like that for every woman I know.
In the meantime, I have more important things to worry what's happening to Brett Favre's locker?
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