Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Christopher Moore Does The Super Bowl

Some say it was the weather; others opine that the defensive prowess of both teams forced a zillion turnovers. Many have mused that the absence of a blimp due to safety concerns (what is this country coming to?) contributed mightily to an admittedly dull Super Bowl. After the opening kickoff, it seemed that the Bears nodded off into hibernation. I'll admit that the Federline ad was pretty good, and the Blockbuster ad that featured pet store critters workin' the mouse over was, well, a blockbuster, but the whole deal will always be compared, fairly or not, to the Janet Jackson episode of days of yore.
Truth be told, I didn't even watch the whole thing, and I only watched the commercials today on the internet, one after another. I caught the first ten minutes and most of the last quarter, but that was it. After all, I had put off reading Christopher Moore's new book for a week in order to get school stuff done...go figure. As I closed the last page of the book and returned to the TV, it hit me...they might well be the same...minus the vampires. Moore's book You Suck...A Love Story is a sequel to an earlier work, but I thought the title appropo. There were statues in the book, and a lot of the guys trying to tackle looked a bit like statues at times. No blood-sucking was evident during the game, but I thought I heard some blood-curdling screams of despair after the second pair of back-to-back turnovers. Face it, your average bakery doesn't have as many turnovers as we saw last night.

Anyhow, there are several positives which I gained as a result:

1. I got to finish a book. It was good.
2. The Bears didn't win. That was good (not because I hate the Bears or love the Colts after they sneaked away from Baltimore, but because I won't have to listen to Bears' fans stories this summer as a tour guide at Lambeau)
3. The game finished early. That was good. More shut-eye for me...which turned out even better since we had a too-damn-cold-for-school day today. (though I went anyway)
4. We can look forward to the Pro Bowl this week where highly-paid athletes get to go to Hawaii (where it presumably won't be raining), hang out on the beach, then give a maximum effort for our entertainment. Maybe not so good.
5. This means Spring Training is getting closer. This is definitely good.


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