A Vacay of Titanic Proportion

HOW Far Down?
People of a certain age decide that life is short and that hoarding money isn't a good option so they decide to see the world. A friend of mine claims to be one of the last tourists to visit Antarctica before the fragile ecology makes it off limits to tourists unless they want to kayak to get there! Seeing the wilds of Africa from a Land Rover or hang gliding over volcanoes are but two of the incredible adventures people tend to take as they see the end of the trail approaching. Of course, some people heliski when they're young as well, but, generally, incredible vacations come right after the sports car and the end of a mortgage. So, if you are in that frame of mind, here is what might be considered the ultimate experience: visiting the Titanic.
Horizon & Company will, for a fee, drop you 12,500 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic for a close up view of a legendary ship that's been underwater for a hundred years (no Kate Winslet, though). With the aid of the same submersible used in movies footage featuring the doomed behemoth, you can actually see the bow section, the grand staircase, the bridge, and the promenade area in person. It's all part of a 15-day excursion involving all things Titanic.
The adventure begins in Halifax, Nova Scotia and involves presentations by oceanographers, historians and the like though the big moment occurs when you and one guide drop into the ocean in a Mir submersible for two and a half hours JUST TO GET TO THE SITE then spend time exploring the remains of the fabled craft that went down on April 14-15 of 1912.
Tours depart next summer on June 30, July 12, July 27 and August 6. I would imagine space is limited (mostly to those who can afford it), and if diving that far underwater is just too creepy, you can still take the excursion, sans the dive.
The trip that includes the dive costs $66,257 but if you want to stay topside, the cost drops dramatically to $12,498.
Been there done that? This is the trip for you!
Call 800-387-2977 and Horizon & Company can definitely hook you up (and drop you down as well!)
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