Nobody Knows the Truffles I've Seen

It's a Lot of Truffle To Go Through Just For a Gift
In case you haven't noticed, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us which means: Christmas is all around. Every store in the world from Fleet Farm to Toys 'R' Us to Target has been clogging my mailbox and my television with the "must have" items for the wish list. is loaded with shopping cart wish lists as well for people I know. I just want it to go away...not that I don't like the basic idea of holidays when families gather around, sing songs, play games, watch movies and enjoy being together before the whining, crying, snide remarks about who got what, and fighting start. The KK divorce got me thinking, "I wonder what rich people fight about with regard to gifts?" Fortunately, the Chicago Tribune had a feature today that listed some of the more opulent possibilities for the season.
Here are the top five or so...just in case you were thinking of that "special" someone and still had no ideas.
For him:
A one-night stay in the famous Ty Warner penthouse suite at the Four Seasons in New York City: $34.000.00. Of course, you could stay the weekend...I mean, as long as you're there...
A snazzy GnG Golden Delicious carry case for his iPhone (in actual gold, of course): $100,000.00 iPhone not included.
An Allard West Roadster would be perfect for the road tripping man in your life at a mere $138,500.00. Buy two.
Is he always late? Get him a Patek Philippe Sky Moon Toubillion featuring not one but TWO watch faces: $1.5 million.
For her:
Chocolate always does the trick with the ladies, and the LaMadeline au Truffle is just the thing...a truffle covered with ganoche, covered with dark chocolate, covered with cocoa power. Irresistible (as you will be) at $250. However, it goes bad in a week so nibble now!
Manolo Blahnik Alligator skin boots: $14,000.00. But you get two boots! Think of the 'gator!
Does she still cling to Malibu Barbie and the like from her youth? Diamond Barbie is here! Literally encrusted with 165 diamonds and while gold jewelry, ken will come a'knockin' at $85,000.00
Need that perfect scent since last year's Eau de Buttercup is gone? Try some Clive Christian Imperial Majesty perfume, and your lady will look at you with "that" look. It's worth the $435,000.00 you will spend.
Finally, for that once-in-a-lifetime lady like, say, Kim K. only the best will do. Liz Taylor's jewelry will go on the auction block in a month, and you can get the famed Burton diamond for an estimated $2.5-$3.5 million. That'll keep things going for at least a few months.
Happy shopping. I'm headed to Ace Hardware. Everybody loves tools.
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