Better Late Than Never

There is an unwritten rule about this blog: my sweetie is never to be mentioned, lampooned, or otherwise noted under any circumstance. I have to break that restriction just this once. You might say, this was one blog forty years in the making.
Getting married in college was probably not the smartest thing we've done in our time together. The diamond that I could afford was microscopic in size, and it wasn't too many years before it became dislodged and lost somewhere...never to be located, especially since we couldn't move the telescope at Palomar to aid in the search for it.
Over the years, the talk of getting a new one surfaced occasionally, but raising four children always took precedence. I did manage a ring with a few precious stones in it, but it was unpretentious, to say the least.
Now, as we approach our 40th anniversary, I sensed it was time to do something significant. Since the original band kept falling off do to some finger shrinkage (?), it would have to be resized, anyway. .General musings about getting a "real" ring morphed into, "Hey, I've found the ring I want, and it's on sale!" Of course, "on sale" for such things is still enough to make me sweat just a bit.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, the new ring, fashioned using the original band, is in place. It's nice to feel that I've finally gotten her what she deserves and has deserved all along. Even now, it's still a bit large to fit on the left hand, but she's not taking it off, at least not now.
The snow sculpture and the "rare" perfume just made for window dressing for the best Valentine's Day gift ever.
No strings attached.
Just because I love her.
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