Izzit Art?

I will be the first to admit that I know nothing about art. My grade school/high school/college education did not prepare me to adequately judge the merits of someone else's creativity. However, if I see a famous artist's name on something, I can nod my head knowingly and say things like "fascinating" to cover my end of the critique. I know one thing about art: I cannot create it. I can build furniture and paint stuff, but, really, that's it. So, as you might imagine, when I am confronted with what to other people is art, I am limited to saying two things: "Wow! That's expensive." and "I couldn't do that."
I understand the creative process as far as original ways of looking at and creating objects...I just cannot do it.
I would not, for example, see a breaker box and think, "Hey! I could make a cute figure out of that if I added some chair legs and sticks for arms and got a doll's head from somewhere."
Whimsey, to me, is something someone else can infuse. And I'm happy that others can. Their ability gives me something to photograph and to appreciate...if only because I cannot recreate it.
Thus, when we were walking through a sculpture garden today, having left the gallery containing pieces priced at significantly more than a year's salary for me, I was moved to take some pictures of "art." I just don't have the ability to critically appreciate it. That someone else has the kind of eye to see these things as a finished work is incredible.
It's a good thing I don't have that kind of money...I'd probably make serious mistakes selecting my decor!
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