Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another Drop In "The Bucket"

As I close in on the end of the first half of my life, I consider myself quite fortunate. One by one, it seems that the things I want to accomplish are falling into place. Oh sure, I have yet to jump willingly out of an airplane, and I may never get to that, but I'm OK with the possibility of being thwarted in that area. I've seen a number of amazing sites around the world, managing to escape all the "Cabos" of the world and reveling in local culture in some unsuspected venues. I've met wonderful people who did not share a common language, and I've made enough money to keep me from forgetting what it's like to have very little. That's why these "bucket" lists seem a bit silly to me. Friends of ours are taking a National Geographic trip to the west coast of Africa and touring some islands I've never heard of...good for them. I don't have the 20 grand to do that, but I would not really be tempted, either. Visiting all five continents would be OK, but it would probably be more of the "let's cross the state line just to say we did" thing. I'm content to discover some things vicariously...and that makes Catherine Price my friend.
She, like me, doesn't feel the need to discover EVERYTHING on the world, though she is something of a world traveller. She has compiled something of the "anti-bucket" list in a book entitled 101 Places Not To See Before You Die. She provides a rationale for all of them, but I don't want to steal her thunder so I will skip her rationale and just give you five places she'd rather not visit...then you can go the the website and offer your own suggestions and/or read her book for the entire skinny.

Beijing Museum of tap Water.
Times Square on New Year's Eve.
An overnight stay in a Korean temple.
Rush hour on a Samoan bus.
Blarney Castle in Ireland.
The state of Nevada

I realize that this list actually poses more questions than it answers, but it's her idea, and I'm leaving it to her to explain it to you.
BTW, if you want to add to the list, go to Seriously...go is hilarious.
Get your list-making utensils ready.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi -- thanks so much for the shout-out and the kind words (and the link) -- I really appreciate it.


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