Snow Business As Smut Business

Would you want this in your neighborhood?
I never really gave snow sculpting much thought with regard to the neighborhood opinion. It's a good thing I have never lived in Rahway, New Jersey, because apparently, people there DO have an opinion. Or maybe it really matter since I have no real artistic skill to speak of. Not so for Eliza Gonzalez, however.
Along with her children, Ms Gonzalez constructed a fairly lifelike (if a statue can be lifelike) replica of the Venus de Milo in her yard. Whether it was part of a home-school art project or what, I don't know. The fact is that it was something I would have recognized as a facsimile of a famous work of art. Apparently, at least one neighbor found it to be less art and more salacious than he or she cared to view.
With an eye on the public good, said citizen informed the local constabulary who informed the artist that she had two choices: clothes the masterpiece or knock it down. Imagine suggesting to Da Vinci or Michelangelo that their works were lewd and should be destroyed! In choosing the clothed option, Gonzalez indicated that she felt it made the depiction sexist and totally demeaning to women.
Maybe there just isn't anything to do in Rahway, or maybe the neighbor is the kind that calls the police on kids riding their bikes down the sidewalk.
Whatever the case, I'm glad I went with an Olympic theme this year instead of one suggestion I got from a woman passing by on her morning constitutional: Lady Godiva.
Perhaps next year.
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