Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Moving On Up...or Out

Chicago is a fun city to visit. I like taking the train downtown even though I occasionally start out going the wrong way and have to get off and back on. Michigan Avenue offers a lot of great shopping and eating places. All in all, it's a nice place to visit, though I would not want to live there. Driving around for 30 minutes trying to find a parking place along a residential street and getting shoved along the sidewalk with no chance to turn around are both frustrations I can live without. Apparently, I'm not alone. Chicago was recently named the 10th most miserable place to live in the country, especially because of the high tax rate (10% on purchases) and long commutes. Thus, I will save Chicago for visits. But what about the top nine?
In case you are thinking about a major move, here's the list of places you do not want to select.
9. Canton, Ohio. Even the Pro Football Hall of Fame can't save this one.
8. Buffalo, N.Y. seriously, we get enough snow here in Green Bay!
7. St. Louis, Mo. Noted especially for a terrible football team. Seriously? That's it?
6. Miami, FLA. Lots of unemployment and foreclosures, but great weather!
5. Flint, MI. car troubles
4. Detroit, MI. even more car troubles and foreclosures. Another poll shows that Detroit is very affordable right now with median home prices at a mere $86,000. So, how bad can it be? apparently, more than a little bad.
3. Memphis, TN More violent crime than all but one American city!
2. Stockton, CA An unemployment rate of 18.5% means trouble for everyone.

And the most miserable place to live in this country?

Cleveland, OH where more than 71,000 people have left the city in the past few years. Still, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame makes this a MUST-visit.
Hmmmm. Makes the Green Bay area look better and better!


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