That Tears It!

Daughter of the Artist at Two-and-a-Half Years
The questions abound, a scant day after the latest finale for a certain #4...will he or won't he? On and on it will go until...probably forever. But that's not what this is about. It's about the time that comes for us all when we realize that we have become has-beens. In my theory, the older one gets, the better one used to be. That's only when you're alive to TELL folks how good you used to be. For those who are dead, I fear it's out of sight means out of mind. So it is with Picasso.
On Friday of last week, a woman stumbled and fell into his painting of The Acrobat located in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. It seems the museum sponsored an art class, and the unnamed woman was a participant. Exactly how the accident occurred was not specified, but it left a six-inch tear in the lower right-hand corner of the 6' by 4' painting. Museum directors indicated that it could be repaired by summer. Repaired? An original Picasso? This is amazing! People should be clothing themselves in sack cloth and ashes, and a tar-and-feather ride should be arranged for whoever allowed anyone to be that close! But then, it's not like Picasso hasn't become a falling star in the art world lately. Last year, several of his paintings didn't sell at auction, including the one pictured at the top. Of course, the reserve price was something like 24 million bucks...but it IS a Picasso original.
So, whether or not Brett calls it a career once again or waffles as per usual, there will come a time when he, like Picasso, is rarely mentioned and thought of almost as an afterthought.
Unlike you and me.
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