Who CAN We Trust?
If it's not some cabinet minister in Ireland's wife having an affair with a teenager or Oral Roberts, Jr's wife exchanging text messages (and, perhaps, more) with college men, it's a whole raft of politicians and sports figures who seem unable to find the truth or any kind of moral compass with the proverbial ten-foot pole. It's gotten so tiresome and repetitive that we seldom believe anything that issues glibly from the mouths of those who actually speak in public. Then, when the truth about the Appalachian Trail or secret meetings in either the pool or the Oval Office at the White House come to light, we react with eyes rolled forward in an "I-told-yiou-so" fashion. Every recognized record has become suspect. I mean, there are people who believe we never landed on the moon! At this point, I'm not as vociferous in my arguments against these people, I must say. Whatever is too good to be true has turned out to be, in reality, TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE so we've become more and more cynical all the time. And really, who could blame us...when Bobby Flay and Emeril join the cast of those who "mislead" us.
Oh, you didn't hear about that? Too busy with Tiger or Mark McGuire? Let me relate the whole sordid affair.
It seems that "Iron Chef America" promised viewers the blockbuster program of all time (presuming such a show CAN have a blockbuster)...a show which pitted famous chefs Bobby Flay, Emeril Lagasse, Mario Batali and the White House in-house chef Christeta Comerford in a battle for bragging rights in which the "secret ingredient" was...
vegetables grown in the White House garden!!!
The super chefs were shown walking through the garden, selecting sweet potatoes, broccoli, fennel and tomatillos; all of these were to be featured in the five dishes prepared by the best of the best, showing, I guess, that the humble "victory garden" could be a source for amazing dishes.
Wait a minute...wasn't there a report that these vegetables were not edible due to a previous sewage dumping issue? I distinctly remember a report like that when The First Lady was upturning sod and encouraging everyone to become more self-sufficient (thereby depriving farmer's markets of revenue). As it turned out, the point was moot.
When it came time to prepare the dishes, the chefs brought in SUBSTITUTE VEGETABLES! That's right...they duped the audience into thinking that the veggies grown at the White House were to be transformed into highly edible masterpieces, but they brought in ringers instead. That's like tuning in to The Tonight Show, expecting to see Johnny Carson and seeing Jay Leno...or Conan O'Brien.
I just don't know who to trust anymore. If it's come down to famous chefs being part of this chicanery for TV ratings, there is no credibility anymore. We expect lies from our elected and idolized heroes.
Not from chefs.
Say it isn't so!
Next, we'll find out that Ozzie and Harriet hated each other and that Ricky really WAS freebasing coke in that airplane.Somebody tell me the truth (yes, even the TV talking heads have ratings)
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