Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Friday, September 18, 2009

...When You Pry That BPH-loaded Bottle From My...

Enough is enough, I say. BPA, DEHP, yada, yada, yada. No Gatorade? No Capri Sun? What in the world has happened to our country? It used to be that I was free to do whatever I wanted to myself (cigarettes, for example). Now the namby-pamby "scientists" are telling me a) to reduce, reuse and recycle and b) NOT to do any of those things with plastic bottles...including the ever-so-hip water bottle I got at REI or Eddie Bauer or someplace. And that's not the worst of it.
Oh sure, Bisphenol A is a carcinogen that will probably kill me...I can live with that (at least for a while). But now...NOW...(apoplexy is setting in)...
the politicians are pondering financing health care BY TAXING soda, certain fruit drinks, sports drinks and ready-to-drink teas as well as MOST diet beverages! The projected cost of all this "health care" is 1.2 trillion dollars, and the government figures that if it added three cents' tax on every 12 ounce container (notice, there's no mention of the 20 oz. containers we mostly use! We're talking, maybe FIVE CENTS here)) of "unhealthy" drinks, it could recoup 24 billion dollars over four years. This information provided by those think-tankers at the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Oh sure, blame these liquid favorites for obesity, diabetes and a host of other maladies and claim that national health care will cost less if we're all more healthy. Note that at least a dozen states already have a tax on such beverages. That's just MORE government interference. If I want to ruin my health, I should not have to pay extra to do fact, it should be cheaper for me!
Oh, I get it now...those socialists want me to live longer so I can put more back into Social Security! Well, I'm on to that game.
I'm going right our and buy some beverages in plastic containers...then reuse them several times each! I'll show those bureacrats that they're not messing with MY "unhealthy" beverages. They can have that plastic bottle when they can pry it...well, Charlton Heston can give you the rest.
I may just go out and buy cigarettes, too, just to prove my point.
They can't push me around.
Damn government interference.


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